Warming your toes at bedtime feels natural for a lot of people. For centuries hot water bottles have been placed at the foot of beds to aid in keeping people ...
Often, when people look to improve or update their bed they start looking for new mattresses when in fact, they may just need a new pillow. Although some ...
Foam and spring mattresses are two of the most popular types available today because they suit almost everyone’s sleep needs. To find out what will better ...
There are so many different types of mattresses available on the market today it can be hard to navigate your options. If you find yourself asking, what type ...
Waking up in the morning with neck pain is not a great start to your day. Often, this can be caused by inadequate support to your head and neck while you ...
You probably already know what biphasic sleep and polyphasic sleep are, even if you have never heard these specific terms before. Both refer to alternative ...
With all of the new, savvy, innovative kinds of mattresses on the market today like natural, hybrid, organic, gel and specialty foam; more and more people are ...
You may have heard before that falling asleep nude can be best for you. Though interestingly enough, not many people do. According to a survey, only about 8% ...
Insomnia is more prevalent in our society than you may expect. As many as one-third of adults are experiencing it in some form at any given moment. It can also ...
Essential oils have been used for aromatherapy and in folk medicine throughout history. Not all essential oils are medically proven but many are. They use ...
Many teenagers are tired and lethargic in the morning even after what most adults would consider a full night of sleep. If left undisturbed and without an ...
I am sure you have heard of people who prefer to just sleep on the floor and do it regularly. Why do they prefer it? Why are those on the paleo diet turning to ...