Tips on How to Remove Blood Stains Out of Your Mattress

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So you’ve discovered that you got a nasty blood stain in your mattress. Oh, no! What are you going to do next? Of course, don’t panic. The right way to deal with that tough looking blood stain is to act on it immediately. Keeping the blood stain for long will only make it more difficult to remove once the stain becomes hard and dry.

If buying a new mattress is not an option, then you don’t have to worry for we have several easy solutions that might help you get blood stains from your mattress. Here are some of those solutions that you can use to remove blood stains:

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First of all, you may need to prepare or have the following materials:

  • Baking soda
  • Cold Water
  • Detergent
  • Vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Corn starch
  • Talcum powder
  • Ammonia
  • Salt
  • Meat tenderizer
  • Paper towels or clean white cloth/rag
  • A pair of gloves (optional)

To clean your mattress with cold water and laundry detergent

If the blood stain is still fresh, using cold water and detergent might just be the trick. Most of the time, this method is effective enough for blood stain removal.

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  • Get a clean rag or white cloth then run it with cold water. Place a few amounts of detergent on top of the dried blood and gently dab it.
  • Do not wet your mattress too much so that you can easily dry it. Too much water may be hard to have your mattress dried out. Once you’ve left it wet, mold and mildew might grow which will make it more difficult to handle.
  • Remember, don’t use hot water for it might cause the stains from a mattress or even bed sheets to somehow harden which will make removing blood difficult.

Cleaning with baking soda

It is funny how a simple ingredient such as this powder can help in so many ways in our everyday lives, especially in our household. Many of us know that this powder is one of the perfect substitutes or replacements for many household items for cleaning. It is an all-around cleaning wonder that is not only easy to find but inexpensive as well. To use baking powder to remove blood stains, here’s how to do it:

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Baking soda and cold water combination

  • Combine one part of baking soda with two parts of cold water.
  • Apply the mixture using a white cloth or rag.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes. Once done, use a wet cloth or rag to rinse it then gently dab the stained area once again.
  • Dry the stained area using a fan or let it stand in the open air with your windows open.

Baking soda and vinegar combination

  • Apply the baking soda onto the stain directly then follow it with a spray of white vinegar.
  • Leave it to bubble for about 30 minutes.
  • Using a white cloth or rag, dab the stained area with cloth or rag until you see that stain is gone. You may want to use a small dry vacuum, if you have one, to remove the residue.
  • Just remember that vinegar may cause a powerful odor so you may want to rinse it well and air dry it longer to remove the smell.

Using a meat tenderizer

So as to be clear, make sure that this is a meat tenderizer powder and not the hammer that you use when cooking, okay? Meat tenderizers have an active ingredient called bromelain and papain which are natural enzymes that can help break down proteins. Since blood contains protein, it can help loosen them up on your mattress. Here’s how to remove blood stains:

  • Mix a tablespoon of the meat tenderizer and two teaspoons of cold water, never use hot water, to make a paste.
  • Apply the mixture onto the stain and let it dry for about an hour.
  • Remove it gently by using a brush or a soaked cloth or rag.
  • Once the stain is removed dab dry with cloth or rag.
  • Let it dry completely.

Cleaning with Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture

When the blood stains have already hardened and become too tough to remove, hydrogen peroxide works well in masking the stain and making it look clean. There are 2 mixtures you can use as a paste.

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  • First option: Combine ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon of dish soap or liquid detergent, and a tablespoon of table salt to make a paste or;
  • Second option: Combine ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide, half a cup cornstarch, and a tablespoon of salt to make a paste.
  • Dab this mixture on the blood stain and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  • Remove the hardened paste with a spatula, spoon, or old toothbrush.
  • Put an ample amount of hydrogen peroxide on a white cloth then dab it on the blood stain area until it is removed.

Another way to use hydrogen peroxide is to mix it with cold water with a 50-50 ratio. Spray it directly on the stain and let it form a foam. Remove the excess mixture using cloth or rag. Repeat the whole process until the stain is completely gone. Use cold water to completely rinse the mixture and wash bed sheets.

Make sure that you take care when using hydrogen peroxide as it has bleaching components. Read the ingredients carefully so that you will not end up ruining your fabric.

Cleaning with Talcum Powder

Talcum powder is also an effective blood stain remover. It is a good substitute for making a stain removing paste when you don’t have corn starch mixture or other household ingredients.

  • Combine talcum powder with cold water until creating a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste directly onto the blood stain.
  • Let it sit for around 30 minutes. Once done, use cold water to wet a clean towel a little bit then dab it gently onto the mixture.
  • Let it dry completely.

Removing the stain with Ammonia

Ammonia is also considered as one effective solution in removing tough stains. It is powerful in penetrating through those stains and helps in loosening them up. However, take caution as ammonia should not be used on delicate fabrics such as wool or silk because of its powerful ingredient. Be sure that your kids stay away from it because it is poisonous.

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  • Mix one tablespoon ammonia with a cup of cold water.
  • Rinse a clean cloth or rag in the mixture then dab it onto the stain until it is removed.
  • Using another clean cloth, pat dry the area to remove the remaining ammonia solution.

Alternatively, you may also want to try using WD-40 to take those blood stains away. Surprisingly this spray can help and is effective in removing tough blood stains since it has dissolving components that loosen up such problems. Simply spray on the stain then wash it off using a damp cloth or rag. It is best to use it as soon as you see the blood stain so that it won’t set on the fabric.

Another useful item is aspirin. Just crush a few tablets then mix them in cold water until you make a paste. Rub it on the stain itself then let it sit for about 30 minutes. Remove the excess away with the same step as the above tips.

When all else fails though, you can use an enzyme cleaner as a last resort. Oxygenated enzyme cleaners are strong solutions that can be purchased in most grocery stores. They are also best in removing those tough stains. But be warned that they are poisonous and can be too strong on your fabric that is why you need to carefully read the labels to make sure that it safe when using in your mattress. Do not apply these enzyme cleaners directly to the stain. Make sure to use a clean cloth or rag, this is where you will apply the enzyme cleaner first, then dab it gently on the stain until it loosens or completely gone.

As a final word, removing blood stains can be a daunting task. It can be so frustrating, especially if your mattress is one you cherish. Blood stains can be hard to remove especially on materials that are porous such as upholstery attachment, fabric, or carpeting. Most of all they are hard to remove once they have already hardened or dried out. That is why it is best that you start cleaning them at first sight. Remove all other stuff on your mattresses such as pillows, comforters, bed sheets, or anything else that is on your bed. Once you are done, tackle on removing the blood stain immediately using the tips above.

If you find that cleaning blood stains often happen, then you might want to consider purchasing a memory foam mattress that has a removable cover for easier dried blood stain removal. You can also look for washing machine friendly mattress protectors available online or in your favorite department stores.

Henry Carlson
Henry Carlson

Henry’s first job was in the furniture and mattress industry as a sales associate. From there, he moved up to merchandising specialist for several years and then became an assistant manager. Working in the industry gave him access to a lot of products and also helped him gain in-depth knowledge.

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