Cabinet Beds vs Murphy Beds

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Have you ever had the dilemma in choosing between Murphy beds and cabinet beds? This is a fairly tough decision as both types of beds are very innovative and functional. There is no denying that both beds can deliver comfort, versatility and style.

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But the trouble continues as homeowners get stuck in confusion on which one to choose. So we can say that both beds are good choices. Everything then boils down to this, how will you know what to get?

Making the decision can be tough so we prepared a couple of vital and useful information about the two. Reading through it will give you an idea on where they are best used and what benefits they have. If you are one of the many who are clueless on which bet to go, you can use these pointers to help you out.

Understanding Cabinet Beds and Murphy Beds

The Good in Murphy Beds

A Murphy bed is an icon of functionality and style. This is a good option for those who want to maximize their property’s space while banking on its overall aesthetics. If you have not yet seen a Murphy bed, picture it as a full-sized bed that folds snugly against a wall when not in use. As for convenience, beddings can still be kept even when the bed is folded up. The Murphy bed, when not in use can be turned into a shelf, desk or cabinet configuration.

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The Downs of Murphy Beds

Amidst these benefits, we cannot deny the fact that Murphy beds also have some drawbacks. This is in terms of price as these are more expensive than other space-saving options. Another one would be that you won’t be able to take the Murphy bed with you in case you have to move to another place. And lastly, you may need the help of professionals as this type of bed is not that easy to install. To make sure you do not damage your place while installing it, seek help from experts.

Who Is It For?

This type of furniture is ideal for homeowners who want a space-saving and flexible bed to compliment their overall interior. This makes it a good use for studio apartments and dual-use rooms that have limited space and movement room. Murphy beds are ideal for those who want a more convenient experience. With this option, there is no need to remove beddings when not in use. It is also for those who do not need to use the bed on a daily basis because that may be tiring and frustrating as they have to set it up from time to time. However, this is not the type of bed for those who are working on a budget.

Read more on Best Murphy Beds buying guide

The Good in Cabinet Beds

Cabinet beds are also considered as emblems of style and functionality. Similar to Murphy beds, cabinet beds can also be folded up against the wall when not in use. The only difference that cabinet beds have from Murphy beds is that these are smaller in sizes. This is very portable and easy to transfer. This can work great for any ceiling height so it gives more flexibility in terms of decorating and interior designing. Apart from that, these are easier to work with as it has an easier installation process. In terms of price, this is definitely more affordable and economical than Murphy beds.

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The Downs of Cabinet Beds

But along with these good features come some disadvantages. Though portable and flexible, this requires the removal of the linens every time it is folded up. This may be time-consuming and tiring especially when used daily. Since cabinet beds also come with its built-in memory foam mattresses, you can no longer go for other types like spring mattresses.

Who Is It For?

As mentioned above, cabinet beds are smaller than Murphy beds. This then makes it more ideal for small spaces especially when Murphy beds can’t fit. Unlike Murphy beds, this can be moved easily as it comes in a more portable form. This is an ideal option for renters as this type of bed can be taken with them in case they move to a new place. It is safe to say that cabinet beds are ideal for those who cannot afford leaving the unit when moving to another place. This is also the right choice for those who want a more economical option. However, this comes with some limitations too.

Read more on Best Cabinet beds buying guide & reviews


Overall, we can say that Murphy beds and cabinet beds are great pieces of furniture for homes where space is gold. These are also innovative and stylish additions to spaces as they can turn into functional cabinets, desks and shelves.

Choosing between the two can be tricky and frustrating. Coming up with a decision can be really tough especially with the numerous options in the market. But no matter how hard it is to come up with a final pick, just remember the differences and similarities mentioned above.

Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of both if incorporated in your life. Your decision should be based on your personal needs and wants. While both may sound and look good for your home, you have to consider your lifestyle. This furniture should be an addition to your life and not a liability. So to make sure you make the right choice for your home, consider the guidelines mentioned above.

Henry Carlson
Henry Carlson

Henry’s first job was in the furniture and mattress industry as a sales associate. From there, he moved up to merchandising specialist for several years and then became an assistant manager. Working in the industry gave him access to a lot of products and also helped him gain in-depth knowledge.

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