Sleep, Rise, & Shine: Your Ultimate Guide on How to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

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When it comes to feeling all bright and sunny in the morning, some of us need all the help that we can get, unlike others who are naturally morning people. If you’re on the same boat as I am, you need a lot of help when crawling out of the bed. Fortunately, there are several tricks to help you start on the right foot. This article will teach you how to wake up feeling refreshed so you can leave exhaustion behind and conquer the day!

Feeling Great in the Morning Starts with the Night Before

When considering how to achieve better sleep, it is often best to start by changing some of your night-time habits.

1. Have at least 7 Hours of Sleep

Of course, if you are wondering how to wake up feeling refreshed, the most obvious way is to get enough sleep. Most adults require 7 to 8 hours each night to obtain the proper amount of rest. Sadly, our schedules seldom allow us to get enough slumber. Still, we can work out better time management to achieve a regular good night’s sleep.

2. Set a Sleep Schedule for Yourself

Try to sleep and rise each morning on a regular time. Do this daily including weekends. If you have trouble falling asleep at night or you suffer from insomnia, this could be particularly helpful. By establishing a routine, your body will start to recognize when it’s approaching sleep and will begin to relax so you can fall asleep faster. Include washing your face or having a glass of water to your night-time routine. The more activities you add to your bedtime habits, the more effective it will be.

3. Keep Your Bedroom Cool, Quiet, and Dark

a woman sleeping soundly

Maintaining a conducive environment for sleep shouldn’t be overlooked. You would want your room to be dark and quiet to avoid unnecessary stimulation during sleep. These conditions will help you to stay asleep even when you become a bit restless. A cool temperature is likewise recommended to help you drift off and keep you from feeling hot.

4. Use the Bathroom Before Going to Bed

A full bladder can cause you to wake up in the most inopportune time or earlier than planned. Better include a bathroom trip as the last part of your bedtime routine to avoid being roused from sleep or, at least, minimize the frequency.

5. Limit Your Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

This one can be tricky for some people but is often worth the effort. If you want to have quality sleep, do yourself a favor and try not to drink any caffeine after 1 pm if you have difficulty sleeping at night. Also, avoid alcohol when you have something particularly demanding to accomplish the next day. Your coffee or tea time should be earlier in the afternoon or early evening, and not right before bed. You may think a drink would help you fall asleep. On the contrary, alcohol diverts your body’s energy and forces it to metabolize the alcohol instead of focusing on recovery and regeneration.

6. Limit Your Use of Electronics at Night

A lady watching on mobile phone

The harsh white light emitted from most electronics like computers, TVs, or gadgets, is stimulating and can delay sleep when you finally switch them off. Sleeping with the television on can also disrupt your sleep pattern and cause you to be restless. If possible, turn all these distractions off an hour before your desired bedtime to initiate a more relaxing environment.

Ways to Help Boost Your Mood

Next up, we are going to cover what you can do first thing in the morning to kick start your day. Coupled with the tips for “the night before”, these morning rituals will teach you how to wake up feeling rested and on the go.

1. Stop Pressing the Snooze Button

While using the snooze function can be very tempting, ultimately it will cost you less sleep and will make it even harder to get up. Furthermore, you wouldn’t want to be stressed and running late for work. If you want to obtain the most amount of sleep and wake up rejuvenated, simply set the alarm on the time you have to get out of bed.

2. Grab a Big Glass of Water

a woman holding a glass of water

Keep a glass of water right next to your bed so you can start the day with a cleansing habit. Drinking water revitalizes our entire system, thereby promoting alertness and vigor. Having a glass by your bedside can also come in handy if you become thirsty sometime in the night.

3. Open the Shades and Get Some Sunshine

I know we advised keeping your room dark for sleeping but when the morning comes, you better “let the sunshine in”, as the song goes. Daylight can help you to awaken gradually and more naturally which often improves your mood. If you need heavy curtains to achieve darkness at night, keep a few gaps in between. Open up the blinds or curtains in your living room, as well, to boost that bright morning feeling.

4. Splash Cold Water on Your Face

a lady washing her face

A good old trick on how to feel refreshed after sleep is splashing cold water on your face. It gives you a little shock that pulls you out of sleep mode. The cold water trickling on your skin can increase blood circulation which brings out alertness and wakefulness. Taking a shower also works in the same way. Make sure it’s not too warm and comforting though because you may not want to come out, especially in the winter.

5. Get Caffeinated

Another way to get recharged quickly is to savor a steaming cup of coffee or tea. It is a time-proven remedy if you wish to clear your head and come alive instantly. Drink a glass of water first then go for some espresso. Caffeine is best-known for inducing mental alertness.

6. Stretch, Do a Workout, or Just Get Moving

A woman doing yoga exercise

Even if this means making the bed only, at least, you’re up and moving around. Consider increasing your physical activities after waking up to shake off drowsiness and to enhance blood circulation to your muscles. Exercise elevates mood and enhances productivity.

7. Listen to Music

It never hurts to listen to favorite music in the morning. Music has been known to increase good vibes and make you feel a lot better. So pump up the jam to set off on the right track. This will certainly get you moving and dancing which, as we’ve just discussed, is a good way to increase energy levels in the morning. If you’re in the right mood, you may even want to sing along!

Getting Quality Sleep is Possible!

It’s okay if you’re not a morning person, all you need to learn is how to wake up feeling good. Always try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If this is impossible, don’t worry, you can still have some rest and feel great in the morning, just try the rest of our health tips.

We hope this article guides you on how to wake up feeling refreshed every day for a better disposition and optimal performance at work. Try some of these techniques and see what works best for you. Results may vary but we’ll leave it to you to choose and discover how your body reacts. You may not be able to tell the difference after a single sleep trial. Keep trying and you won’t regret it. Amazing results will come in time. After all, repetition is the key.

Additional Resources

Emily Alexander
Emily Alexander

Emily Melynn Alexander was born on the east coast of the USA but has called Colorado home since 2000. She has a degree in English and Political Science from Metropolitan State University of Denver. She enjoys sleeping in locations all around the world.

Sleep Report